How will I know if EMDR therapy is working?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a type of therapy that is used to treat trauma and other related mental health conditions. Here are some signs that EMDR therapy may be working for you:

1. Reduced distress: One of the primary goals of EMDR therapy is to reduce the distress associated with traumatic memories or experiences. If you are finding that your distress levels are decreasing over the course of therapy, this may be a sign that EMDR is working for you.

2. Improved sleep: Trauma can often interfere with sleep, leading to difficulty falling or staying asleep, nightmares, or other sleep disturbances. If you are finding that your sleep is improving or becoming more restful over time, this may be a sign that EMDR therapy is having a positive impact on your mental health.

3. Greater emotional regulation: Trauma can cause intense emotional reactions, such as anger, fear, or sadness, that can be difficult to control or manage. If you are finding that you are better able to regulate your emotions and respond to stressful situations in a more adaptive way, this may indicate that EMDR therapy is working for you.

4. Increased self-awareness: EMDR therapy can help increase self-awareness and insight into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. If you are finding that you are gaining a deeper understanding of your own experiences and how they have impacted you, this may be a sign that EMDR therapy is working.

5. Progress towards treatment goals: EMDR therapy is typically structured around specific treatment goals or objectives. If you are making progress towards these goals and are seeing tangible improvements in your mental health and well-being, this may be a sign that EMDR therapy is working for you.

Overall, the signs that EMDR therapy is working will depend on your own unique experiences and circumstances. It is important to communicate openly with your therapist about your progress and any concerns or questions you may have about the therapy process. When did you notice EMDR therapy was helping you?